Ms Davies to run in Bath Half Marathon

Jamie's-FarmMs Davies, Year 7 YLM, is running in the Bath Half Marathon, on Sunday, for the year 7 charity – Jamie’s Farm in Box. This is a fully working farm that also runs residential courses for children at risk of exclusion from school, often from inner-city areas who have never had the opportunity to spend time in the countryside. The year 7 children decided to support this charity as it is local and provides support for vulnerable children their own age. If you would like to sponsor Ms Davies, even a small amount, then please hand it in to Main Reception or your child’s tutor.

Many thanks for your support.

Creativity gets results

Dear Parents/Carers,

You may be interested to know that following a conversation with Duncan Hames MP, he kindly asked Mr Gove, in Parliament, the following question on behalf of the school. Mr Gove’s reply is also included. As you know the school is a great believer in creativity and independence of thought. I believe they are vital attributes for young people in the 21st Century. I am also convinced that they are fundamental to the success our students enjoy. In order to achieve so highly and so consistently at A level our students must and do translate their learning into original thought which they then express in an extremely articulate and clear manner.

Yours sincerely,
Martin Williams
Head Teacher


ALPS Analysis for A Level


Link to letter from ALPS